Thursday, June 4, 2009

National Deficit $11.4 Trillion and counting, NOT a tax the rich issue! It is actually a tax your CHILDREN and GRANCHILDREN issue

National Deficit $11.4 Trillion and counting, NOT a tax the rich issue!  It is actually a tax your CHILDREN and GRANCHILDREN issue  - this argument has been falsely framed in a tax the rich vs. the needs of the many debate.  If that was true, more taxes for the rich would surely make sense.  After all, the rich can spare a little more to help everyone out.  It sounds only patriotic and the right thing to do.  But the truth of the matter is you cannot tax the rich enough to pay for the spending addicted government.  The reported National Debt is now $11.4 Trillion and counting and everyone knows that government statistics lie- so the Debt it is more than likely MUCH, MUCH more!

The problem is not that the rich are not paying enough.  the problem is an out of control government that cannot stop  themselves from spending money they just don't have.  So in order to spend today they will have to tax more in the future and that means taxing our children and grandchildren.  I really don't know anyone who would not sacrifice themselves or go without for the future of their children and grandchildren.  So if they were to tell you: every dollar we spend that we do not have, your children will have to pay it back with interest; and by the way, the economy will be much weaker too because the debt payments will take away from productive uses of those scarce funds; so your children might not even be able to pay it back; then maybe people would start standing up and say no WE just can do without!

The problem is not that the rich are not paying enough, the problems lies with the government themselves.  Because in order to get elected, the scoundrels make lots and lots of promises to groups of voters, who then expect the elected scoundrels to make good on those promises.  And those promises cost money.  So to keep their jobs these scoundrels keep making promises and keep spending money they don't have!  Talk about moral hazard!

You could say that the government has become a kin to a crack whore but calling them crack whores is actually an insult to the crack whore because at least, the crack whore actually provides a service to support her habit!  The government is more like a crack whore with someone else's check book and an unlimited ability to write checks.  Until someone stops them, they will just keep writing checks and over drafting.  So until the people stand up and say no more, the spiral will continue.  So get use to double-digit TRILLION dollar deficits forever.  Maybe there should be someone else who authorizes the government's budget, other than the scoundrels themselves!  Just food for thought!

The Prophet

Prophet with the Profit-

Posted via email from wsprophet's posterous

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